How to find a supervisor for university application

One of the most important and at the same time most difficult steps in applying to foreign universities is finding the right supervisor and correspondence with him to obtain university admission. As you are aware, finding a professor at the time of the application process can greatly increase your chances of obtaining admission and receiving funds (scholarships). If you are also looking for a university and studying abroad, you must have encountered this dilemma. Do you know how to choose a supervisor related to your field and stay in touch with him? If you are interested in study immigration, HM CO Trading Company will fully accompany you in this matter. In this article, we will introduce you to the methods of finding professors to obtain university admissions.

Who is a supervisor and what are his duties?

The supervisor is a member of the faculty of the university whose main task is to guide and guide students at the graduate levels (master’s, doctorate, etc.). In other words, the supervisor is a member of the university’s teaching staff who is responsible for guiding and guiding students in the educational, research, and individual fields.

The most important duties of the supervisor

The supervisor should be an expert in choosing the research method. He should have the ability to guide you through all stages of writing your dissertation. As a result, his sufficient expertise in your field of research is of great importance.

The guidance staff should evaluate your thesis and share its flaws and problems with you.

The supervisor must be present at the pre-defense and thesis defense sessions.

The supervisor should go through counseling sessions with the student based on the student’s needs.

The supervisor should study your proposal and provide his or her expert opinions.

The supervisor should guide and guide you in all stages of the thesis presentation.

The importance of finding a supervisor in the application process

One of the most important reasons to find a supervisor is to save money, gain admission, and receive funding. If you find a supervisor before paying the application fee to different universities and he accepts you, you do not need to pay a lot of money. Imagine that you have applied to 20 universities without finding a professor and just according to your desired field, if we consider the average cost of the Phi application to be $40, you will face paying exorbitant costs. So, before applying for admission blindly, try to find a good and suitable professor related to your field so that you can apply easily and at a lower cost.

Ways to Find a Supervisor for a University Application

In general, we can search for and find a supervisor in three main ways: conventional and efficient. These three methods are:

  • Find a professor by searching on the website of the desired university
  • Finding a professor through articles: Google search or academic search sites such as Google Scholar and Research Gate
  • Finding a professor by searching on social networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

First, after selecting the desired country and university, type the name of the university based on your field of study and your desired plan in Google, for example, McGill University, then then write the name of the desired department, for example, if your field is electrical, it should write: McGill electrical engineering, then since you are looking for a professor, type the word faculty (meaning faculty) and click on the search option to Google will provide you with the results.

After searching, you will be provided with a page related to the desired department of the university and the relevant professors. In this way, you will find a list of professors related to your field. Among the professors, choose the person whose research interest (a supervisor who is skilled in your research field) is the most similar to yours, visit his personal page and get all the necessary information such as articles, research, projects, etc. carefully. In this way, you can easily choose your desired professor and communicate with him.

Important Tips When Finding a Supervisor

  • Paying attention to the ranking of professors is the most important point that should be considered when searching for the desired professor in different universities. One of your main goals for finding a master is to get funding. Usually, full professors have a larger budget to get students and can give you a better fund, so pay attention to their ranking when choosing a professor.
  • Make an Excel file from the list of professors you have emailed and put all the information and files you have sent into the file so that you can access them in a categorized way.
  • After finding the desired professor, email him and wait for his response, once the professor sends you the confirmation email, you can go through the university application process.
  • Communicating and consulting with domestic professors will help you find the desired professor, they definitely have a good knowledge of foreign professors and their field of expertise, and students who have been accepted and graduated in your field of research can guide you in this field, and the experiences of these people in this matter are very useful for you.

Frequently asked questions about finding the right tutor

1- How to communicate with supervisor or mentor?
The first and best way to communicate with the supervisor is to email him and send the proposal. After accepting the application, you can communicate with the relevant professor via Skype.

2- What score is required for admission to foreign universities?
The minimum grade point average for university admission will be different according to the country and the specific university; But in general, a good GPA is 16 out of 20, and for universities with higher rankings, a GPA above 18 can be helpful. Also, having two or three articles can have a significant impact.

3- What is the cost of document review or application fee?
Some universities charge an application fee to review the documents they have received from you for admission. This cost will usually be between 40 and 80 dollars. In some cases, these costs can reach $250 or more.

1- quora
2- phdportal

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